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Sector Files


These Sector File SOPs are still a work in progress, and does not contain complete information.

Typically as new releases are pushed to the Client, these SOPs will be updated with that information.


VATNZ Controller Client data is managed through a Sector File Generator app and a dedicated standalone SQL database; allowing for multiple outputs from a single data source.

The Controller Data is updated in line with the AIRAC cycles, however the ANR is only updated every two cycles.


The SFG app can perform the following functions:

  • One-click download all data from the Air Navigation Register, or one-click import for a provided advance copy, and input into nzsectorfiles.sql,
  • Allow for the importing of manual airspace definitions, such as Enroute and TMAs,
  • Allow for the conversion of various formats. For example from eAIP draw format to Sector File/Sector Line/vatSys Airspace Map, Volume/vatSpy boundary and GeoJSON,
  • Allow for the merging of airspace, through eAIP definitions (albeit with some limitations),
  • Allow for the manual import and mapping of different procedures (STARs, SIDs, VFR arrival/departures, GNSS and RNP approaches), as well as the cross-checking between AIP promulgated procedures and the procedure database,
  • Allow for the export of individual procedures to an independant map for Documentation,
  • Conversion between different coordinate types (SCT/eAIP/Dec. Degrees/ISO Deg, DegMins, DegMinsSecs),
  • Generate an eAIP output from a vatSys airspace map,
  • Various vatSpy utilities.

The SFG can export to both vatSys and EuroScope. The App runs various export routines that produce the various necessary outputs - XML for vatSys and SCT2 / ESE for EuroScope.

Last update: July 3, 2023