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Cook Islands

This is a work in progress!

This page is currently being worked on by the team. It'll be here soon! If you want to help out, have a look how you can help! For the meantime, you should apply the comments made here in line with the skills taught in the VATNZ Controller Training Syllabus.

Name Callsign Frequency Login Notes
Rarotonga Control Rarotonga (Raro) Control 118.900 NCRG_CTR
Rarotonga Approach Rarotonga (Raro) Tower 118.100 NCRG_APP
Rarotonga Delivery Rarotonga (Raro) Delivery 121.900 NCRG_DEL For use during Events only.

Rarotonga Enroute

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  • NCRG_CTR "Rarotonga Control" on 118.900
    • Limits: 5,500ft to FL245, with the lateral bounds indicated as above. Roughly 340nm by 260nm.
    • Provides an Enroute radar service within its' lateral bounds.
    • Additionally acts as the Enroute interface between NCRG_APP and either NTTT or NZZO FSS.
    • Provides a top-down service to NCRG when NCRG_APP is offline.


  • NCRG_APP "Rarotonga Tower" on 118.100
    • Limits: There are three layers to NCRG_APP's area of responsibility:
      • A circle of 30nm diameter centered on RG VOR from SFC to 5,500ft.
      • A circle of 50nm diameter centered on RG VOR from 5,500ft to 9,500ft.
      • A circle of 70nm diameter centered on RG VOR from 9,500ft to 14,500ft.
    • Provides a combined Approach/Tower service for NCRG.

Wait, another Approach station with a Tower callsign?

Similar to NFTF_APP above, we've had to implement this position with a _APP suffix, as the FSD restricts _TWR callsigns to a visibility range of 50nm.

Last update: July 3, 2023