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This is a work in progress!

This page is currently being worked on by the team. It'll be here soon! If you want to help out, have a look how you can help! For the meantime, you should apply the comments made here in line with the skills taught in the VATNZ Controller Training Syllabus.

Name Callsign Frequency Login Notes
Tahiti Control Tahiti Control 134.700 NTTC_CTR
Tahiti Approach Tahiti Approach 121.300 NTAA_APP
Tahiti Tower Tahiti Tower 118.100 NTAA_TWR
Moorea Tower Moorea Tower 118.100 NTTM_TWR
Bora Bora Tower Bora Tower 118.900 NTTB_TWR
Raiatea Tower Raiatea Tower 118.500 NTTR_TWR


In the real-world, NTTT is operatated by the French, so there are some peculiarities in NTTT.

  • Oceanic airspace (Class A) starts at FL195, instead of FL245 in NZZO.
  • Outside of the Tower/Approach/Enroute CTAs, the NTTT FIR is Class E from FL045 to FL195. This means that -
    • If you're flying IFR above FL045, you're required to grab an IFR clearance and separation from NTTT_FSS.
    • If you're flying VFR above FL045, you're entitled to a traffic information service.
    • If you're above FL045 within NTTT_CTR's 200nm arc, this service is provided by NTTT_CTR.
  • Outside of the Tower/Approach/Enroute CTAs, and between SFC and FL045, you're flying in Class G.


  • NTTT_CTR: "Tahiti Control" on 134.700
    • Provides a radar service within the Iles Sous Le Vent sector from 1500ft to FL195.
    • Provices a procedural service outside of the Iles Sous Le Vent sector, up to 200nm DME TAF, from FL045 to F195.
    • This 200nm diameter circle is Class E, where an IFR service is provided, and only a VFR traffic information service is provided.
    • Provides an Enroute/Approach Control service for flights between NTTB (Bora Bora), NTTR (Raiatea), Huahine (NTTH) and Tupai (NTUU).
      • NTTB and NTTR have their own Towers, operating from SFC to 1,500ft.
        • NTTB_TWR also covers NTUU to the north.
    • NTTH is uncontrolled, with the base of NTTT_CTR at 1,500ft.

Tahiti Airspace

The outer-most ring is the 200nm ring. Inside of this, the Class E service is provided by NTTT_CTR - outside it is provided by NTTT_FSS.


  • NTAA_APP: "Tahiti Approach" on 121.300
    • A 50nm radius circle centered on NTAA, with a wedge missing from the SE due to the big ass mountain.
    • Provides a service from 2,500ft to FL195.


  • NTAA_TWR: "Tahiti Tower" on 118.100
    • Limits: SFC to 2,500ft. Essentially a 20nm circle centered on TAF VOR, with two wedges cut out over mainland Tahiti and the island of Moorea.
    • NTAA provides a ground service on 121.900.
    • Moorea Tower (NTTM) is 10nm North West of NTAA, with a small control zone from SFC to 1,500ft. This zone sits inside of NTAA_TWR's airspace, and the Tower function is provided by NTAA when NTTM is off watch.
  • NTTM_TWR: "Moorea Tower" on 118.700
    • Limits: SFC to 1,500ft. Basically a square that sits over the North side of Moorea. Eastern lateral bound is roughly 5nm east of Moorea, and 10 miles to the North and West.
    • The NTTM control zone sits entirely within NTAA_TWR's zone. When NTTM_TWR is off watch, the Tower function is provided by NTAA_TWR.
      • The Approach service is still provided by NTAA_APP from 1,500ft. NTAA_APP does not perform top-down services to NTTM_TWR.
    • Care needs to be taken surrounding the assignment of SIDs/STARs at Moorea, as the extended centerline for RWY 12/30 interfaces with RWY 04/22 at NTAA. Traffic at NTAA has priority.
  • NTTB_TWR: "Bora Bora Tower" on 118.900
    • Limits: SFC to 1,500ft. Bora Bora Tower's CTR is essentially a 15nm by 10nm box centered on BB NDB, with the long axis running NW to SE. There is a small wedge to the south of the AD, with the LL raised to 500ft.
    • The Tower CTR sits within NTTT_CTR, and can expect the Approach and Enroute service to be provided by NTTT_CTR.
    • TODO: Investigate behaviour between NTTB and NTUU, as NTUU sits within NTTB's CTR.
  • NTTR_TWR: "Raiatea Tower" on 118.500
    • Limits: SFC to 1,500ft. The Raiatea CTR is a weird bow-tie looking CTR, interfacing with Bora Bora's CTR to the NW, and extending out to the East by about 10nm. The top and bottom wedges are due to Fareura/Puurauti to the North, and Tefatoaiti to the South.


About Flight Information Services

Flight Information Services provide a traffic advisory and weather information service. They also relay IFR clearances to aircraft on behalf of their senior sector.

These stations are not a priority, and are simply "nice to have" positions that would be cool to feature in an event.

  • NTAR_FIS: "Rurutu Information" on 118.300
  • NTAT_FIS: "Tubuai Information" on 118.300
  • NTAV_FIS: "Raivavae Information" on 118.500
  • NTGC_FIS: "Tikehau Information" on 119.500
  • NTGF_FIS: "Fakarava Information" on 119.900
  • NTGI_FIS: "Manihi Information" on 124.300
  • NTGJ_FIS: "Totegegie Information" on 118.300
  • NTGM_FIS: "Makemo Information" on 121.400
  • NTGT_FIS: "Takapoto Information" on 118.500
  • NTMD_FIS: "Nukuhiva Information" on 118.300
  • NTMN_FIS: "Hiva Oa Information" on 119.700
  • NTTG_FIS: "Rangiroa Information" on 118.300
  • NTTH_FIS: "Huahine Information" on 119.300
  • NTTO_FIS: "Hao Information" on 119.100
  • NTTP_FIS: "Maupiti Information" on 118.300
  • NTTR_FIS: "Raiatea Information" on 118.500

Last update: July 3, 2023